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Caring for your unburned candles:

When left unused, your beeswax candle will develop a light matte film over the surface. This is completely normal and is a natural phenomenon known as bloom, which occurs when beeswax is exposed to cool temperatures. It can be removed simply by adding heat. Either buff your candle with a cloth or use a hair dryer to gently heat the wax and its original deep yellow colour will return. If you are using a heat source, be careful to not melt the wax.

Caring for your candle wicks:

To keep your candle burning beautifully, trim your wick to approximately ¼” before each burn.

Caring for your burning candles:

When burning your candle, let the wax pool and reach the outer edges of the candle before you snuff it out. This can take a couple of hours depending on the size of your candle. This is extremely important, especially for the first burn, to prevent your candle from tunnelling down the centre. A general rule of thumb for beeswax candles is to burn it for longer periods of time rather than shorter to ensure the wax can pool and the outer wax edges become malleable. 


Once the wax has significantly pooled, gently fold the edges of the wax toward the flame. This method ensures the top of your candle is as level as possible and will maximize your candle's burn time. 

Caring for your candle after use:


With beeswax candles, we recommend you avoid blowing them out because this removes the wax off the wick, making relighting more difficult. Instead, use a snuffer. This will keep the wax on the wick. If you don’t have a snuffer, you can also “blow” out your candle by dipping the lit wick into the wax with a skewer or toothpick. Not only will this prevent smoke when extinguishing, but it will also wax up the wick for easy lighting next time. Straighten your wick after the flame has been “blown” out. 

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